《AIを使ったアンケート作成作業で4Cを育成する》"Encouraging the 4 Cs through Survey Activities"
担当:Anton Lloyd-Williams(アントン ロイド ウィリアムズ)先生(神田外語学院 EICスーパーバイザー)
In this workshop we will look at how students can use survey activities to actively engage with each other and with the 4Cs: Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking and Communication. We will see how groups of students can use AI to help them create a survey, deliver it online to a selected target, visualize the results of the survey, discuss these results and present their conclusions in a clear and interesting way.
Hello. I'd like to share wih you an activity that we do with our 1st Year students at KIFL to encourage the use of the 4 Cs. The students always enjoy it as they are surveying each other and have a genuine interest in what their classmates think. They particularly appreciate the collaborative, critical thinking parts of the project. Teachers can extend the activity over about 4 or 5 classes.
Anton Lloyd-Williams has been teaching in Japan for over 25 years in areas as diverse as IT Training, Media Literacy and English. He holds a BA in French and an MSc in Online Education. He is currently an EIC Supervisor at Kanda Institute of Foreign Languages