7/27(土) ① 10:00-11:30 / ② 13:00-14:30 / ③ 15:00-16:30

担当:担当:土屋進一先生(埼玉県:西武文理大学 専任講師 ・西武学園文理高等学校 教諭)
(1)中学・高校・大学どのレベルでも年齢でも絶対夢中になるWord Definition Game (2)ぐるぐる方式でグッと心をつかむ瞬間スピーキング (3)ぐるぐる方式で信頼関係を築くタスク中心の論理・表現の授業 (4)映画予告編で生徒を引き込む導入の仕方 (5)教科横断でバラバラの知識をつなげる単語の広さと深さ (6)文法嫌いも夢中になる文法すごろく

《学習者のコミュニケーション能力を高めるためにできること ー 協働学習を促進する方法を通して》"What Teachers Can Do to Enhance Learner's Commnication Ability - through Collaborative Learning"
担当:野田知子先生(茨城県:茨城キリスト教大学 文学部現代英語学科 助教)
外国語を身につけるためには他者と協働的に学ぶことが重要であり、私たち教師は授業内で協働する学習の機会を作っていく必要がある。特に日本のようなEFL(English as a foreign language)の環境下では、英語を効果的に使いながら他者との関わる活動や協働的な活動を取り入れ、学習者が外国語でのコミュニケーションを図る経験を多くすることが重要である。また、協働学習を通して互いに学び合うことの楽しさや達成感などを学習者が経験することは学習効果を上げることにもつながっていくだろう。

担当:菅原直弥先生(千葉県:船橋学園 東葉高等学校 英語科教諭)

《リズム、チャンク、ジャスチャー、ストーリーを使った低学年学習者のための指導法: ActionSpeak》"ActionSpeak: Teaching Younger Learners through Rhythm, Chunking, Gestures, and Story"
担当:Andrew Lankshear アンディー ランクシャー先生(福島県:郡山ザベリオ学園 小学校教員)
ActionSpeak is a dynamic and fun way to teach younger learners a set of commonly used phrases and vocabulary using rhythm, language chunks, gestures, and story. This is a teacher-led approach whereby the teacher says a series of rhythmic phrases with gestures to support meaning. The students mimic these gestures and say each of these phrases in turn. The series of phrases make up a story, thus heightening motivation and retention.
In this session, Andy will introduce the ActionSpeak method, provide some theory which provides support for its efficacy, and train teachers in how to do this method in their own classrooms. This session will be of interest to teachers of young learners and for teachers and practitioners in higher levels who wish to advise elementary school teachers.

担当:川田牧人先生(千葉県:神田外語大学 外国語学部 英米語学科 語学専任講師)

"A Practical Introduction ot the 4Cs"
担当:Kieran Julian キーラン ジュリアン先生(神田外語学院 EICスーパーバイザー)
In our main English program at KIFL, we integrate the 4C framework – Creativity, Communication, Collaboration, and Critical Thinking – into every aspect of the course, especially through our project work.
Creativity is fostered through innovative project work that encourage students to think outside the box, for example via designing multimedia presentations. Communication skills are improved as students articulate their ideas, listen actively, and present their projects to classmates, teachers, and sometimes even a broader audience. Collaboration is at the core of our project work, as students work in teams to brainstorm, plan, and execute their projects.
Lastly, critical thinking is emphasized as students analyze information, evaluate different perspectives, and make informed decisions throughout the project process. I will demonstrate practical examples of how you can incorporate these 4Cs into your classroom.

"Encouraging the 4 Cs through Survey Activities"
担当:Anton Lloyd-Williams アントン ロイド ウィリアムズ先生(神田外語学院 EICスーパーバイザー)
In this workshop we will look at how students can use survey activities to actively engage with each other and with the 4 Cs: Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking and Communication.
We will see how groups of students can use AI to help them create a survey, deliver it online to a selected target, visualize the results of the survey, discuss these results and present their conclusions in a clear and interesting way.

"Implementing Shadowing for Improving Listening and Speaking Fluency in Japanese Classrooms"
担当:Daniel G. Dusza ダニエル ドゥーサ先生(神田外語学院 EICスーパーバイザー)
この講座を共同で担当する予定でした後藤真里奈先生は、やむを得ない事情により登壇できなくなりました。従いまして、この講座は Daniel Dusza先生お一人による講座となりますのでご了承ください。
Shadowing has recently become popularized in English learning in Japan. Shadowing improves listening skills when practiced correctly. This session defines shadowing as a process involving listening to a spoken text and repeating it accurately without written scripts. This session defines shadowing and discusses our modifications to implement listening and speaking practice in Japanese classrooms. The process includes listening, parallel reading, discussion, shadowing, and monitoring. The rationale and effect of modifying each step to improve vocabulary, pronunciation, and fluency in the shadowing process are discussed. Finally, the benefits and challenges of each step are discussed based on the feedback from teachers and students. Participants in this session will walk away with a full understanding of how to incorporate this shadowing into their syllabus. In the final half of the season, participants will be actively involved in this shadowing approach.